Yard Work Safety Tips

Yard Work Safety Tips

‘Tis the season to get outside and work in the yard. While weed eaters, trimmers, leaf blowers and hedge clippers can make just about anyone look like an expert in a weekend, if not used properly, that yard work might have to be followed up with a visit to Carlson Chiropractic Center.

According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), trying to achieve outdoor perfection with the latest and greatest outdoor lawn equipment can actually result in back and neck pain, as well as more serious muscular strains and tears. The repetitive motion that the equipment subjects your body to can lead to biomechanics issues, and if the equipment is not used correctly, the trauma to the body can actually be multiplied.

Yard Safety Tips: 

Before you head outside to tackle your lawn, there are a few things you can do to lessen your chances of injury or strain.

1. Use safety equipment.

  • If there’s a strap or handle with the equipment, using it will help normalize your center of gravity.

2. Rotate

  • If you are operating your equipment with your right hand, switch to the left and back again. Rotating the equipment will help balance the muscles being used.

3. Take breaks

  • Like any other outdoor activity, it’s important to stop and cool down on a regular basis. Muscle fatigue sets in when working for extended periods.

4. Think electric

  • Electric weed eaters, trimmers, and even mowers are usually much lighter than their engine-powered counterparts.

Jumping into lawn work without stretching can be just as hard on your body as walking out the door to sprint down the street or run a 5K. It’s important to warm up and cool down just like you would with any other strenuous activity. And as always, if you aren’t sure where to start, or you have pre-existing mobility issues in your way, our team at Carlson Chiropractic Center can help you make a plan, and make sure that you tackle your lawn safely this summer!