6 Food Groups Your Spine Will Love

6 Food Groups Your Spine Will Love

When it comes to the integrity of your back, you can’t be too careful. You can do all the exercises and stretches under the sun, however, the food you eat will also make a considerable impact on your back’s health. Let’s take a look at the best sources of nutrition for your back.

Whether it is guavas, oranges, grapefruits, kiwi or strawberries, citrus fruits of nearly every variety will boost back health. They work their magic thanks to the presence of vitamin C. This vitamin is essential to the production of collagen. Collagen is necessary as it empowers cells to create tissue that is vital for the back’s healing process. Collagen ameliorates the repair of vertebral discs as well as ligaments and tendons.

Cantaloupe, nectarines and apricots are chock full of vitamin A. This vitamin is critical to human health as it bolsters the immune system’s ability to combat diseases. In terms of back health, vitamin A assists in tissue repair as well as bone formation.

If you can afford fish, eat as much as you can. Fish contains an abundance of vitamin B12. This vitamin is important for bone marrow health. It also stimulates spine growth and function.

Do your back a big favor by stocking up on broccoli, kale, spinach and other leafy greens. These foods contain vitamin K and calcium that will help keep your spine strong and healthy across posterity.

Load up on the beans and lentils and you just might enjoy less back pain. Lentils and beans contain iron that is necessary for cells to function as designed. Iron is necessary for the transport of oxygen to cells and the elimination of carbon dioxide. Iron also boosts the body’s creation of myoglobin, an element that helps maintain the strong muscles that are necessary to support the spine.

Incorporate these foods into your diet and your back will undoubtedly benefit. They each contain a considerable amount of calcium that is critically important for bone health. They also boost bone mass as you age.

Fill your shopping cart with potatoes, bananas, seeds, and nuts. These foods will provide your back muscles with the magnesium that is necessary to maintain strength and tone. Magnesium will also boost your back’s bone density to boot.