Spending time hunched over a computer screen at work and at home makes for back and neck problems that can add up to chronic pain. These stretches make it possible to relieve aching muscles brought about by poor posture or spinal problems.

1. Corner Stretch
Stand two feet away from a corner and face in. Place your hands up on the wall above your head. Lean in as far as possible and hold the pose for 30 seconds.

2. Back Flex
Lie down on your back, facing upwards. Pull your knees inward to the chest while pushing the head forward into a ball. Hold the pose for 30 seconds.

3. Knee Stretch
Lie down on your back facing upwards. Keep your knees bent and both heels on the floor. Place a hand behind each knee and bring it to your chest.

4. Scapula Stretch
Raise the elbow above the head on the side you want to stretch. Lower your hand of that arm behind your head. Reach around with your other arm and try to clasp your hands behind your back.

5. Supine Stretch
Lie down on your back, facing upwards. Pull one leg over the other, up towards the chest. Hold the pose for 30 seconds but do not force the stretch.

6. Hamstring Stretch
Sit in a chair with arms hanging down. Try to reach down and touch your toes without struggling. Stop when you feel the hamstring and back stretching out.

7. Towel Stretch
Lie down and Tie a towel firmly around your ankle. Lift up the leg and use the arm on your opposite side to pull at the towel as you pull your leg upwards.

8. Cobra Stretch
Lie down with both hands up in a push-up pose. Lift your torso at the same time you push down to extend the spine upwards and slightly backward.

9. Bridge Stretch
Lie down facing upwards with your legs bent and your feet on the floor. Push upwards with your legs and elevate your torso and hips, feeling the weight come off your back.

10. Cat Stretch
Put your hands and knees to the floor. Look as far upwards as is comfortable, rotating the neck up and the spine down.